Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Awakening to the Power Within by Mary Glen Scot

The Testimony of Mary Glen Scot*...
Wednesday of last week I went to Mass and I prayed to the Lord: "I don't know why I have never thought about this before Lord, but I am going to surrender the entire book to you. I have done all of the footwork I possibly can to get it started, and it is doing quite well, but I can't think of anything else to do, and I am surrendering it entirely up to you Lord. You have always been in charge of it anyway."

The Talent of Mary Glen Scot...
is shared with the world in her first book, Awakening to the Power Within: Breaking Free From a Destructive Relationship. Mary Glen Scot devoted forty years of her life and marriage to the futile goal of “curing” her alcoholic husband. Through her own journey of self-discovery, she now offers practical methods that will help you apply the principles of the Twelve-Step Program to your own daily challenges. Here is an excerpt from Chapter 18: Developing a Relationship with a Higher Power
I believe there’s a special Spirit, generally understood as being a Higher Power in Twelve-Step philosophy, which moves through our meetings and one another. To my mind, a feeling of spiritual healing that we can see, hear, and feel in our groups when we are gathered together. That Spirit turned my life around in a new direction, and a new way of thinking and behaving. I formed a spiritual connection with my religious God that brought me a great sense of peace and acceptance.

When I am able to separate my spiritual thinking from the doctrines and dogma of my religious faith, the spirituality of the program and my religion fit like “hand in glove.” Being in the spiritual twilight of my journey on this earth, I need both my church and my great Twelve-Step fellowship. A lot of the lessons I learned as a child in Sunday school are the same basic philosophies as those in the program, particularly the principles that those are based on, “I have a Power Greater Than Myself,” and “Love one another.”

I was always searching for the answers to the big mystery of life when I was young, curious about my Spirit’s origin. I wonder, now, was it by asking God to show me His face—proof that he really existed—that I invited Him into my life? Did that lead to the beginning of my journey toward my spirituality as it is today? I think, possibly, my curiosity and hunger for something more inspired me to keep looking for fresh insights about God. However, I believe now that each one of us in a Twelve-Step Program has a spiritual experience leading us to find a Power Greater in a different, unique manner; and what works for me may not work for you.
© 2005 Mary Glen Scot, Las Vegas, NV. Book published by iuniverse. Click for more details.
* Note: The three names make up the author's first name. She is orginally from Scotland. She doesn't use her last name (publically) as is the norm in 12-step anonymous program culture.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Daily Seed: But... by Terri

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh (Luke 6:45)


"Do you trust God?" "Yes..but..." "Do you believe that He will do what He promised in His word?" "Yes...but..." "Do you think He is taking too long?" "Yes...but..." "Do you think you can handle your situation better than God can?" "Yes...I mean...No...but..." The word 'but" cancels out everything that you have spoken prior to saying it and allows people to know what's really in your heart. Example: "By Jesus stripes I am healed, but, my head still hurts." You have just canceled out words of faith with words of circumstance.

Speak only words of faith, if your situations is looking as though nothing has changed, don't allow anything other than what you desire to come from your mouth. The situations may look like..the bill collectors are still calling...your relationship is going to hell in a hand basket... however faith speaks...My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches and Glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)....A gentle answer turns aways wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger (stop nagging and complaining) (Proverbs 15:1). If you believe something you just believe it. Nothing can get you to move from what you truly believe...if you are rooted and grounded there.

Take the time to think about the words that leave your mouth...do you even have to stop and think why you said what you said? If so imagine what type of future you are creating. Example: I am drawing my dream house (words of faith), however I'm not quite sure if I draw this house I will be able to have it (doubt), I keep erasing everything I draw (saying but), I get frustrated (speaking words God didn't say) and destroy the drawing (stepping out of faith). Don't give up on something you know God called you to do, by saying but...because the word but will only have you drawing and destroying dreams instead of living them. Stay encouraged and keep moving forward!

Luke 8:11 - The seed is the Word of God
Copyright 2005

Friday, September 16, 2005

Tawana Williams: Unarmed but Dangerous

(Tawana with Les Brown)
Introducing my friend, motivational speaker, fellow-author, and sister-in-Christ Jesus, Tawana Williams.

In her new book, UNARMED BUT DANGEROUS, Tawana tells her story of being born without arms, surviving major traumas, including drug addiction—overcoming it all—and of her daughter's miraculous birth. "I hope readers will feel inspired by my story of overcoming the odds rather than feeling sorry for me. I use my feet and other body parts to do just about anything that someone with arms and hands can do—-even braid hair and write a check," says Tawana.

Watch demonstrations of God's grace and power in Tawana's life (1) Brushing Teeth and (2) Caring For April.

Website www.unarmedbutdangerous.com and email tawana@unarmedbutdangerous.com

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

what is this black chile doin' in russia? - Driving In Moscow

Perfect Parking in Moscow

Driving In Moscow
by black chile

circa 6/03--scared to death. shortly after arriving to post. venturing out into traffic was a traumatic experience. watching from the passenger side was bad enough. trying to wrap myself around the fact that i would soon be knee deep in it was too much to handle. in the monstrous government white chevy tahoe you don't pay much attention to it. you're so far up and there's so much of the car around you, you feel like a fighter pilot dropping bombs and not knowing where they hit. so when you feel the crunch under your wheel, you think it's a bag or something, when in actuality you rolled over a russian lada again. those cars are entirely too small. and invariably there's always a russian guy hanging out the window smokin a cig. even in the winter. i used to think they were just letting the smoke out of the car. not true. there's not enough room in there to fit so he has to hang the leftovers out the window. his head, left arm and upper left chest area.

in my own vehicle, which is a considerably smaller SUV, i'm actually closer to them. there were times when it was all i could to do to get to the side of the road and cry. cry baby. that's right. ballin'. i'm not ashamed.

now. circa yesterday--sept 2004. 5pm.
today i had parked on the sidewalk at a 78 degree angle because the a _ _ h _ _ e in front of me pulled into a parking spot that was too small. his car is a car in the technical sense. you have to use a key to start it and it had a window and 4 wheels. however, this car is half the size of a Ugo so instead of pulling in parallel to the street, he pulls in perpendicular with half of his car up on the sidewalk. perfect fit. i'd like to say that i have never done this but sorry... i truly believe that once they get parking meters and tow trucks here, they'll be on their way. in the meantime, when in rome...

when i come out at 5, some other person has blocked him in. my car was too big to block. that's right, anyone who isn't state department has to park out on the street. just another reminder to let the other agencies that are here know where they are in the pecking order. it's ok. you have to give up your first born and a pint of blood to park on the compound and the security checks... forget it.

as usual, i follow the access road out until i reach novinsky blvd.--"the ring road". i pop in my traffic sonata "wild, wild west" by Will Smith to get me in the traffic mode. no, i didn't buy it. not per se. don't ask. i'm always surprised at what is available in the kiosks on the street. i hear Will Smith singing "Jim West, desperado..." uh oh, it's on baby.

traffic is one of the few places i feel equal. i start out. i know there is 2.6" of road to get from the right lane i have pulled into and the far left lane (6 lanes over) that i need to take to get to the tunnel which will put me on the other side of Nove (novee) Arbat. if i miss the tunnel i have to turn right on nove arbat and go out of my way 30 minutes east and many miles to get to a place where i can turn around and get on the other side of the street. or i could use the turnaround at nove arbat and go back the other way on novinsky blvd--30 minutes north and many miles to get to... well, you get the idea neither option is acceptable to me anymore. 30 minutes north or east, 30 minutes back to your starting point, then 1 hour home. you do the math.

russians smell fear. i take off and casually glide over 9 lanes, that used to be 6, while everyone is clapping enthusiastically at the ease of which i have maneuvered my way through this quagmire. damn, i nodded off there. actually it's more like, stop 1/2", drive 1/2", stop 1/2"... everyone's honkin, yellin', and flippin the bird and all at 60, 70, 80 miles an hour. only the mafia gets to go 90 and above. it's the russian autobahn. 6 lanes quickly become 9 when there are more than 7 cars on the road. "swallow your pride, don't let your lip react. You don't wanna see my hand where my hip be at..." Will is poetic, isn't he? keeping in mind that they have no concept of personal space, this also goes for your car. sometimes they get so close. this also used to send me screamin' to the curb. but now i don't look and of course the big car wins. my overseas insurance covers everything for any reason, in any place. surprisingly, it's about half the cost of my insurance in the US.

flippin the bird is pretty universal but the russians add their own special touch. the little dears. they point it at you like a gun. special. classic.

i make it over to the far left lane and invariably there are always 1 or more cars that follow me. the applicable rule here being--follow whatever or whoever gets you through. on this particular occasion a guy follows me and his car is so small, i didn't see him until we both got over to the left lanes and he pulls up next to me and gives me the thumbs up sign. i wink and quickly get back to traffic mode. can't think about that now. my next move is coming up. "then through the shadows, in the saddle, ready for battle.."

after the tunnel i steal my way back over to the right lanes because i will soon be coming to a point where it is actually legal to make a U turn on this street--this 12 lane street--6 actual lanes in both directions. 2 blocks go by. everybody and their brother is making a U turn at this point. you don't want to get caught in that. i did--once. they didn't start the U turn caravan until there's a break in the oncoming traffic. i was the break. i hesitated and ended up waiting 20 minutes just to continue in my lane. after 20 minutes--straight to the curb. in tears of course. today is a different story.

timing is everything. once over in the right lanes, you can zoom through. if you get caught at any of these lights on the ring road, i hope you packed a lunch. not that it matters. russians don't seem to get the concept of the red color of the red light. in fact the yellow light starts flashing before the green light. i've sat in traffic when my light turned green several times over before the crossing traffic stopped. and there's usually a militia guy standing there. just standing there. doing nothing. just standing there. there--facing the red light, looking at the traffic. just standing there smoking a cig of course. why is he here?

next. the bridge. believe it or not i have to make my way back to the left lanes to cross the bridge. bob, weave, break to the left, steal home, touchdown!!! whew, if i get caught in the left lanes, i could end up in Vladivostock. look it up. i'm on the bridge. the 11 lanes on my side that used to be 9, that used to be 6 now have to come back to 6 to get over the bridge because the bridge is--well, finite. this will not stop them from making a new lane in the oncoming traffic if the traffic on that side of the street is sparse. i call this the pied piper relay. ingenuity at work again. some folks now choose to drive up on the bridge walkway that's designed for the pedestrians. it's the only lane that's clear--except for, well--the people.

i make it across. back to the right to catch my exit. if i miss my exit, i have to go 30 minutes east... hey, wait a minute. i think you already know this story. my exit is 3 inches from the ring road. coming off the ring road at 60 miles an hour. break it down to 15 in 5.8 seconds. "up to sundown, rollin around, see where the bad guys oughta be found and make 'em lay down."

once on the main street off the exit, i'm headin' home. i can relax a bit because the traffic slows to a mere 40 miles per hour in the residential areas. i pop in santana. i'm rockin'. i drive pass the usual mcdonald's on boishoi ordinka, a myriad of churches, kassas (money change places), kiosks, salons, renok (open-air market), a monastery and i see my sign SERPOHOVSKY VAL (serpohovsky blvd.) i'm prepared to make my right. my sail is now blowing at an even keel. it's almost relaxing. almost. i've long forgotten about the stares. actually, i've learned to live with them. i do remember not to do anything embarrassing. the light is red. here comes a russian guy running with a baby carriage trying to catch the light. this in itself is enough to cringe. but the added absurdity was that he was carrying and drinking a bottle of beer and smoking a cigarette with his right hand and weaving the carriage through traffic with the left hand. the kid was screamin with delight. crosswalk? what is that? the lines are there. i see them. their big and white. oh, i guess he doesn't think the crosswalk is for him. still--a baby? i just shake my head and go back to Santana "give me your heart, make it real, or just forget about it."

i make the right turn after the light changes. 10 cars have driven up on the sidewalk to pass me because they had more pressing engagements than to wait for the GREEN light. i pass the park where i run and tell myself to remember that a big dog is taking a dump on the path. no, they don't pick up after them. some mornings it's like an obstacle course. i pull into my entrance and prepare to scan my card that will let me in the parking lot. the security arm rises before i can scan my card. then once in, Sergey is standing blocking my way. i say doubre dien (good day), kagdela (how are you?) he says hadosho, (ok) then he starts to motion to someone behind the gate. then i see all the guards that work at our parking lot. they're bringing a bouquet a flowers. FOR ME!!!

how sweet is that? let me explain. since i've been here and living out in the general public, i don't have the protection that one might expect on the compound. but i wanted it that way. i wanted to experience the city. but with that view one must take into consideration the security risks. shortly after arriving i tried to make nice with the guards at my building, russians do not take kindly to people who are not pasty pale white like them. just in case. they were casual. i began to cook little things for them. a chocolate cake, some fried chicken, cookies, guacamole dip and chips, homemade soup and cornbread, etc. i don't do it all the time and i know they don't expect it. but they look out for me. when i go out running, one of them will stand at the gate just to make sure i'm ok. when i come late from some very important "meeting" at Ye Ole Irish Pub, they meet me at the street. sometimes i would come down to go to work and everybody's car would be completely covered with snow. except mine. it would be cleaned off and ready to go. i would pass the guard's gate and he would tip his hat and smile. on other occasions i might find my car washed and waxed. sometimes, i found litle chocolate candies left at me door. it's the little things.

so when they gave me the flowers and showered me with little kisses, i was overwhelmed. russians are not that easy to warm up to. so, i guess i'm in. so to speak.

back to the indy on monday.

© 2005 black chile (For security's sake, the author remains anonymous--at least for now)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tiff’s Gifts by Tiffany A. Bryant

by Tiffany A. Bryant
I’ve always enjoyed creating things with my hands. My grandmother and her neighbor used to save their presents for me to wrap—I love curling the ribbon, and placing the strands, just so... my own personal works of art! That lead to my love of Christmas trees (I even put ribbon on those!) - I decorated everyone’s tree: mother, grandmother, friends, cousins, I was even known to fix trees in department stores!! In ’96, I was at a friend’s house and saw these really beautiful Christmas ornaments, made of African material! They were colorful, creative, and cultural! I looked at them and decided I would decorate my tree with the same type of ornaments. I began making the ornaments & gave them out as Christmas gifts—the next year, I sold a few to friends and co-workers. But not as many as I expected. That’s when the “whispers of doubt” began: “You spent all that $ on material and no one really wants these things…” & “They are alright for your tree but everyone else is buying more classy items from the store”, “What you are doing is no big deal!!!”

Another year went by and I made a few more ornaments. I added different material to widen my customer base, sold a few more. Then a bazaar at the church! I decorated my table & waited for the onslaught of Christian, African-Americans to buy all my stuff! I was even told that at past bazaars, the pastors’ wife loved someone else’s inventory and bought all their pieces! I just knew that was going to be me!! My stuff was soo cute! It was cultural, creative, cute and classy! WRONG!! I sold 10 or so ornaments, yippee! My parents, grandmother, brother, and best friend bought some as gifts once again, thank God for those people always in your corner! They boosted my little esteem so I decided not to give up...THEN I went into a store in Leesburg Outlets, that sold other people’s crafts and made an appointment to show them my ornaments. The lady thought they were “cute” but not right for their store! So, the whispers came again: “You are wasting $$ you don’t have”, “Pay your bills girl and leave this stuff to the professionals”, “You can’t sell your stuff to Black people, why do you think White people would buy it either?”, “Other people can make this stuff, what about yours is special?”

Yet more years went by...a co-worker and I saw some beaded ornaments in a catalog. I decided that they would be cute on my tree (once again) I headed to Michael’s and bought beads, wire, and ribbon. I worked all weekend and they really turned out well! I showed them to my co-workers on Monday and they loved them! They actually wanted me to make stuff for their trees...then more bazaars! This time at school and church! I began personalizing the beaded ornaments by putting charms on them! THEY LOVED THEM! I also added wine charms to the “merchandise list”! One colleague asked me to make ornaments for her daughter’s basketball team—the whole team! I made their basketball #’s in the teams colors! Another friend ordered 25 wine tags for an upcoming Christmas party! It was the first time I felt like what I was doing was actually ok...I realize while reliving this that God sent the right people to encourage me during each holiday season! There was always 1-3 customers that encouraged me through their purchases.

In 2003, at the urging of friends, I bought business cards & gave myself a name: Totally Tiffany! Designs. People began asking me to make gifts for them when they needed something special! I made beaded and cloth ornaments, napkin rings, bracelets, shadowboxes, picture collages, scrapbooks ~ even personalized some items! I participated in more bazaars, & began working on different ministries that allowed me to use my creative gifts that God has given me. Last year, I added inspirational bookmarks, little girls’ headbands, angel pins w/inspirational verses attached, and jeweled bracelets. God is always dropping ideas in my spirit! God confirmed once again when my best friend gave me an engraved key chain for Christmas, with “Totally Tiffany” on it and another friend gave me a storage bin to put my stuff in! I was so touched when I realized how much they believed in me & what I was doing!

Last month, a good friend registered the name of a website for me! My new name is “Tiff’s Gifts” and I have been blessed to be a part of a church that has a business card directory, along with supportive, and encouraging members all around! I’ve been able to create a small bit of happiness for people! I love to see the smiles on their faces when they see a piece of jewelry, ornament, or love the shadowbox created just for them! I see each smile from them as a smile from God—saying that He is pleased that I am using my gifts! No matter how small…

© 2005 Tiffany A. Bryant, Reston, VA

Monday, September 12, 2005

From Tragedy To Triumph by Rev. Nicole S. Mason, Esq.

By Rev. Nicole S. Mason, Esq.

It was a warm summer night and I was planning to attend a pool party. I decided to ride through the neighborhood to see if I saw him. Although I knew he was a drug dealer, I wanted to remain friends with him. For several months I didn’t speak to him, because he had stood me up far too many times. However, I had just graduated from Howard University and I was feeling somewhat festive. I wanted to see if I could just stumble upon a late night rendezvous. I rode through the neighborhood and he was standing on his usual corner. I stopped the car and he immediately jumped in. I pulled down the street and we began talking. On this night, our discussion was very different than in times past. We weren’t talking about a late night rendezvous, but my friend looked dogged tired and he kept saying that he was tired. I thought he meant just tired from hanging in the streets, but I would soon learn that his tired was something deeper.

As we sat in the car talking, I happened to look out of the side back window. To my dismay, there was a gun barrel pointing inside and all hell broke loose! Gunfire erupted all around me. I started hollering and calling on Jesus. No, I wasn’t saved, but I like many people know that in times of trouble, Jesus is the first name to call on! When I called on Jesus, I could feel something lift me up out of the car and begin to push me down the street. As I was being pushed, I could still hear the gunfire behind me. I ran for about two blocks and my mind told me that I had been shot. I started responding to my mind. Your mind is very powerful. This is why it is important to watch what you think! I could hardly breathe or walk. I looked up and two people were standing on a porch. I asked them “Am I shot?” They said no and told me to come into their house. The woman told me to lie down on the floor and the man called 911.

When I went back to my car, because I wanted the police to know that it was my car and that I had been sitting there when the gunfire erupted, I learned that my friend had been killed and his body was still in my car. I nearly lost my mind, when I looked inside the car and his limp, riddled body lay there motionless. After that tragedy, I went through an emotional journey that led me right to the feet of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It was during this time in my life that I found out what I was really made of and that I couldn’t do anything without the Lord. I learned how to use my spiritual resources, because all of my physical resources were depleted and useless. I had to go through it, so that I could tell you today that GOD IS FAITHFUL! I made it through that situation and I went on to law school.

After completing law school and passing the bar exam, the Lord called me to preach. I have been preaching now for 4 years. I left the practice of law to go into ministry full time. I am confident that the Lord saved me for a time such as this to encourage, educate and empower Women with the Word of God. I started a ministry called SISTERGRAM Ministries where my mission is to reach millions of women with the Word of God, to give them hope and to inspire them to be all that God has created them to be. My life took a major turn on June 7, 1992. God saved my life and I have never looked back. I encourage you to take the tragedies that have occurred in your life and turn them into triumphs by giving your life to the Lord today. God can take your misery and turn it into your ministry! I am a living witness!

In closing, the case was solved and the perpetrators brought to justice. One of the shooters is now a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! God can do anything but fail!!!

© 2005 SISTERGRAM Ministries * P.O. Box 5453 * Hyattsville, MD 20782 * 301-455-1903 * revnsmason@aol.com * www.sistergram.com

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Cookie Blues submitted by Cheryn

Thursday, September 08, 2005

what is this black chile doin' in russia?

St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow
last night i had to shut my bedroom balcony door because mr. hawk was lettin me know that he was comin to visit me real soon. jesus. another freakin winter in this s _ _ _hole.

i had some canned foods and rice and other food that have been in my cabinet since i got here. i packed it all up and took it out to this a little pregnant girl that stands at the metro begging. (this is a whole other story) she wasn't there this week so i see an old little shriveled up lady standing behind a tree with her hand out. it's so pitiful. i put the big box of food next to her and she looks at me and asks repeatedly... "why? but why?... why?" i tell her to just take it. don't ask why. she of course is crying but as i walk away she grabs me and tries to wrap her arms around me, which of course is impossible.

a militsa guy comes up to me and asks me for my docs and what i was doin. i tell him to mind his business. which comes out as "this does not concern you" in Russian. i ain't scared no mo. that's right baby. bring it on. he asked me what i was doing to that woman. i said nothing and that she was my mother. he looked at me funny. she then proceeds to hit him on the arm with an umbrella and tell him to leave her alone. we share a slight smile.

i leave because i'm illegally triple parked in front of the metro. the equivalent of pulling up in front of the embarcadero metro on market st. in san francisco and parking your car. impossible right? not here. by the time i get back to my car someone has already blocked me in and i have to wait while he buys his cigarettes. does he rush to get back? does he apologize for blocking me in? hell no. do i do it to the person i have blocked? i think you know the answer to his question. and through it all, the militsa guy is sittin on a bench enjoying the sun and smokin a cig of course.

© 2005 black chile (For security's sake, the author remains anonymous--at least for now)

BEING ME By Valerie Grimes

By Valerie Grimes



© 2005 Valerie Grimes, Fayetteville, NC

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Adopting & Mentoring Families Affected by Katrina

Hello Chosen Ones, introducing, Lynn, my friend & supporter.

I am Lynn Johnson, a Life Coach located in Maryland (Washington, DC area). I have the #1 motivational internet based radio show "The Lynn Johnson Motivational Radio Show." My show is aired all over the world and carried in over 100 countries.

I have embarked on fundraising efforts and humanitarian efforts. At this time, I am also setting up families who are willing to adopt other families and mentor them through this terrible tragedy. My radio show is also accepting donations for as little as $1.00 to go towards the families that have reached out to us directly for help. Please, can you pass this information on and direct any other people who are interested in helping? You can access my show and my site at http://asklynnjohnson.com. Thank you in advance. Prosper in all ways, "Coach Lynn"

Friday, September 02, 2005

Testimony: Prayer Works! by Rosa

Artist: Annie Lee
Thursday, Sept 01, 2005 8:16 AM
Good Morning,
A co-worker of mine son was in a tragic accident. A couple of days ago he fell 20 feet, developed a blood clot on the brain and is suffering from internal injuries. Part of his brain had to be removed. The doctors' says that he is in grave condition. He is newly married and his wife is expecting their first baby. Please keep them in your prayers as we know - God is able!!!! ~ Rosa

Friday, Sept 02, 2005 8:36 AM
God is faithful! Although this young man has not yet opened his eyes, he was squeezing his Mom's hands on yesterday. To God be the Glory ~ prayer really does change things. Thank you for your continued prayers. God Bless ~ Rosa

Art: Annie Lee

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Is Your Light Shining?

This month our “Seed” will be taken from Matthew 5:14-16: “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” On today I would like to ask you a question “Is Your Light Shining?”

The Lord is charging us today to let our light shine. It is sad to say that we are living in a world where so many people are professing to be a Christian, but no one other than those in our immediate circles in church can determine that we are even saved. If you name the name of Christ, somebody other than your church family needs to know that you are saved. If your light is truly shining someone who is not saved and has observed your lifestyle should be compelled to ask the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Sadly, we have gotten so caught up on observing and doing traditional things in the church, but we have forgotten about allowing our light to shine.

One of the purposes of light is to be able to see. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like a long period of darkness. I want to be able to see. When an individual has not accepted the Lord as their personal Savior they are living in darkness. Once you have accepted the Lord as your personal Savior you have been given light because Jesus is the Light of the World. You and I are charged to share the Light. We can’t continue to have our light hidden under a basket or table. We must let our light shine through in everything we say and do. The text tells us to let it shine before men, that they may see your good works. Men need to see our good works not so that we may get the glory, but to glorify your Father which is in Heaven. I leave you with two questions, “Is your light Shining?” or “Is anyone seeing your light?”

© 2005 Carol Williams. Weekly radio broadcasts, You Are Somebody, every Saturday at 12 noon or Sunday at 8:00pm on WFAX 1220 AM(Metro Wash., DC) or via Internet www.wfaxam.com