From Pain to Promise #3 by Minister Karen Anderson

I married at 20 running from a bad relationship with my mother as a result of not telling her I was pregnant. My cousin who lived in New York at the time introduced me to my first husband. He was Catholic, I was a Christian, excuse me, a backslider. I had stopped going to church. He still lived at home with his mother; he hid me in his room and told his mother I was there. She brought me towels to take a shower. I lived with a man before marriage that I did not get a chance to know, or confirm that he was who God intended for me to marry. We lived in his mother’s house with his step-father and brother the first two years of marriage. A mama’s boy! We were married for 12 years. I couldn’t take the immaturity; something was definitely missing. He was not mature enough to give me the attention I desired, so I looked for attention in other places. Towards the end of the marriage, we purchased a home together; his mother was the real estate broker. He kicked me out of the home, called me b’s, and scratched my car while it was parked in the driveway. The next thing I know I am getting subpoenaed to appear in court. He was seeking full custody of our daughter, it didn’t happen, but I do pay child support. Talk about a financial set back. I ended up living with my pastor and his wife, (who I called Mom & Dad) before moving into a studio apartment, no furniture, I slept on the floor. I ate cereal for dinner.
© 2006, Minister Karen Anderson, Pelham, New York.
STANICE NOTE: God brought us a young writer who I'm featuring as a guest columnist on my blog, Stanice's Open Mic , which is set aside for YOUR talents and testimonies. Her name is Minister Karen Anderson from Pelham, New York. She is a PK (Preacher's Kid) with a TESTIMONY and willing to share it with us. Her third installment is I DO. Her column will appear for at least the next four Wednesdays. If you have comments please leave them, I'm sure your feedback will bless her.
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