Daily Seed: But... by Terri

"Do you trust God?" "Yes..but..." "Do you believe that He will do what He promised in His word?" "Yes...but..." "Do you think He is taking too long?" "Yes...but..." "Do you think you can handle your situation better than God can?" "Yes...I mean...No...but..." The word 'but" cancels out everything that you have spoken prior to saying it and allows people to know what's really in your heart. Example: "By Jesus stripes I am healed, but, my head still hurts." You have just canceled out words of faith with words of circumstance.
Speak only words of faith, if your situations is looking as though nothing has changed, don't allow anything other than what you desire to come from your mouth. The situations may look like..the bill collectors are still calling...your relationship is going to hell in a hand basket... however faith speaks...My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches and Glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)....A gentle answer turns aways wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger (stop nagging and complaining) (Proverbs 15:1). If you believe something you just believe it. Nothing can get you to move from what you truly believe...if you are rooted and grounded there.
Take the time to think about the words that leave your mouth...do you even have to stop and think why you said what you said? If so imagine what type of future you are creating. Example: I am drawing my dream house (words of faith), however I'm not quite sure if I draw this house I will be able to have it (doubt), I keep erasing everything I draw (saying but), I get frustrated (speaking words God didn't say) and destroy the drawing (stepping out of faith). Don't give up on something you know God called you to do, by saying but...because the word but will only have you drawing and destroying dreams instead of living them. Stay encouraged and keep moving forward!
Luke 8:11 - The seed is the Word of God
Copyright 2005
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