Testimony: Princess Carroll Ayo Durodola

It was a Tuesday morning, as I drove along George Washington Parkway on my way to work in Virginia.
SCREEEEECH! The blue taxi cab next to me jammed on his brakes until smoke came up from the tires. I thought he was going to hit the car in front of him, but all of a sudden his right tire turned towards me! BAM!!! He got me! And…BANG!!! My car hit the stone wall of the parkway and flipped over the wall. I felt myself careen down the wooded cliffs like a rocket, towards the Potomac River, thousands of feet below.
“Well this is it. This must be the way I’m going to die.” I could hear and see the trees and bushes hitting the sides of the car as it crashed through the woods. I didn’t feel any pain and calmly thought to myself, “Well, I’m ready for heaven, if it’s ready for me!”
All of a sudden the car stopped. When I realized I was alive, I looked up through my open sun roof towards what I thought was the road and seeing a man walking along, looking frantic; I yelled, “HELP!” He looked down. “She’s here!” “We’re coming!” he said. And half a dozen men spilled over the crest of the hill. They pulled me out through the sun roof.
They helped me to the top of the hill and I collapsed on the stone wall. Around me I heard people praising God and I felt so at home with these fellow praisers that, with my last ounce of strength, I raised my holy hand to heaven and joined them in worshipping this Father God, for getting me out of that alive!
Praise be to the Lord! It’s as if God wanted people to praise Him more. This did it. Join in!
Princess Carroll Ayo Durodola
HRH Princess Carroll Ayo Durodola
Author, Storyteller & Education Consultant
Tunde, The Little Nigerian Prince
Tunde, The Little Nigerian Prince & the Soldier Ants
Yoruba Language for Children
Ojumiri & Bra Baboon Coloring Book & audiotape
The Art of Storytelling (Workshop)
How Do I Know I Love Myself (Workshop)
The Ancient Healing Art of African Storytelling (Workshop)
The African Village School Program (African School Simulation)
Africa's Vision Network (T.V. Show)
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