Friday, August 25, 2006

Poetry from the Philippines by Rachelle Arlin Credo

© 2006 Rachelle Arlin Credo

There's a sudden strange silence
Amid the busy whirl around me
Disclosing the scars of my innocence
From a dreadful yesterday
Shadows paint the spectacle
Of a vision that used to be enchanting
Catching me half a miracle
While a song consumes my thinking
Gradually I drifted into another reality
Like a wind from nowhere blown
Lost in a paradise of adversity
Only to find destiny on my own

© 2006 Rachelle Arlin Credo

When I'm all alone
And no one else is with me
I can hear a charmed musical tone
With a sound full of veracity
Its tune makes my mind travel
Into a bizarre reminiscence
Making my past assent to unravel
To make known of its presence
Dark secrets begin to liquify
Unfolding everything into a spectacle
'Til my eyes could no longer cease to cry
Realizing regret embrace my enthralled soul

A Heaven of Sand and Stones
© 2006 Rachelle Arlin Credo

Build me a heaven of sand and stones
A castle out of sprays of sand
Where I may rest at the close of the day
For refuge from a whole day's run
Build me a heaven 'neath the azure sky
A little house far from the road
Where I can see the swallows as they fly
And the sampaguita leaves as they fall
Build me a heaven of little rocks
A residence that's stable and sturdy
Where the catastrophes of life
Could never topple down facilely
Build me a heaven of muck and soil
A hermitage away from civilization
There will be drawbridge and a moat
And walls from clashing religion
Build me a heaven of sand and stones
Not of bricks, of blocks and other stuff
For I do not wish to live on a throne
A home of sand and stones of love is enough

Rachelle Arlin Credo is a freelance writer and columnist from the Philippines.
For more info, visit her website

Sunday, August 20, 2006

God is So Awesome by Cassandra

This week I experienced something with God that was so awesome.

About 2 weeks ago i had been experiencing chest pains and didn't know what it was so I decided to get it checked out. I went this past wednesday to have a cardiac CT ( scan of my heart to check for blood clots). This Friday I got the results. The nurse said that my heart was fine and the test showed that it was normal, BUT!!!! It showed that I have a lymph node under my right arm that is larger than normal. The Dr. wanted me to come in so he could check it out. I went and he felt the lymph node and said... " have you been bitten by any bugs lately?" I said, "yes" and pointed to my arm. He said, "Lets treat you with antibiotics for the next 2 weeks and come back and we will check for it again.

Guys!!! I had been feeling sick for the past 2 weeks and weak but just kind of blew if off. But I was getting worse and didn't know why. Lord!!!! God is so Good. God saw it there and gave me a warning sign that was serious enough for me to get it checked out. What amazes me the most is that the radiologist was checking my heart but just so happened to notice my lymph node. Praise God.!!! God is so good.
© 2006, Cassandra, Hattisburg, Mississippi. Visit her page by clicking on her name or cut and paste tp://

STANICE NOTE: Cassandra is one of my new friends on I'm pretty new to the site and she welcomed me with open heart. I thank God for her and many people that I've met since being a part of that community. And I thank God for her willingness to share her testimony with us... visit staniceSpace and add me as your friend. Click above Or cut and paste this url

Friday, August 18, 2006

Vevlyn L. Wright shops her memoir

Stanice, below is a query letter that I'd like to post on your open mic page, if you will allow it. It is an excerpt from my memoir. It is also approx. 600 words.

AFTER pulling myself up I took a rest on the futon.
Five minutes later I scooted to the edge in preparation for getting to my feet. Here, I perched another couple of minutes. Standing, I immediately caught hold of my footstool and from there made my way to the bathroom, using as props en route, the armoire, French doors in my living room/bedroom, hall stand and finally the wall on the hall. My business in the toilet took about ten minutes, including rest breaks.

Again using the wall hall as a prop, I traversed the short distance from the bathroom to the washroom.

Initially, I sat on the edge of the bathtub to undress but immediately stood up for fear of falling in. I stumbled the few steps over to the washing machine and used it as a prop while I disrobed. Ambling back over to the bathtub, I eased in slowly and turned on the showerhead, allowing the spray to pelt my chest. I became dizzy. The room began turning slowly. It began to darken … I was roused – how many minutes later I am not sure - by my doorbell. It was Richard. I hollered that I would meet him downstairs.

On Tuesday morning, I was alive and very tired as I dialed the hematology department at Hôtel-Dieu to arrange for a blood transfusion. On the way downstairs, I experienced another small blackout, my third since Friday but still I managed to meet Richard who was waiting outside. The two of us rode in silence. I was too tired to talk and I think Richard sensed it.

"We're here," he said, cheerfully. It was shortly after 10:30.

With much effort I sat up to take in my surroundings.
To the right was a large plaza littered with people -- tourists by the look of them. From the vantage point of an airplane they would resemble an army of ants. In the midst stood a breathtaking structure, not at all a rare sight in Paris. In a few days, I would discover that this was Notre Dame. But today it was just another pretty facade.

Richard helped me out of the car and the short distance across the Place du Parvis Notre-Dame to the hospital lobby where he ensconced me in a chair while he went back out to find a parking space . . .

The excerpt above is taken from "I am I am,” the working title of my memoir. It chronicles the experiences of my first year in Paris, how I believe God saw me through them and how I dealt with them as a Christian.

A little about Me. I am a Michigan native who grew up in Louisiana and lived in various corners of the country, including Chicago, Boston and Dallas. A little more than a year ago, I returned to the States (locating to Washington, D.C.) after five years in Paris. I studied at Southern (LA) University, Northwestern (IL) University and the University of Missouri-Columbia, where I received a master's degree in journalism.

In addition to the aforementioned works, I have as a staffer and freelancer written and edited scores of articles for the likes of The International Herald Tribune, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the publishing imprint of UNESCO and The Patriot Ledger (Quincy, MA).

My literary output also includes two anthologies and a short story collection. Currently, I am putting the finishing touches on a book of poetry. These poems — threaded with sadness, anger, sardonic humor and hope —have been well-received in Boston, Paris and Washington.

It is my wish, hope and prayer to secure a worthy, visionary publisher/agent to help me get this memoir and My other works onto the shelves of Barnes & Noble and other book emporiums.

Vevlyn L. Wright

2005 Copyright Vevlyn L. Wright

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Television Premieres/Film Screening by Silvia R. Holmes

Hello family & friends,

Between home & work, life has been good! I've been busy over the last two years with several projects that are airing soon and/or screening in the Washington, DC area. So, I would deem it an honor if you'd take a look at what I've been working on. Let me know your thoughts.


CAMP 9.11 Children of Hope
August 20, 2006 @ 8pm TLC (The Learning Channel)

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, the world changed for every American, but for no one more than the Children of 9.11. Although five years have passed, for these children of the victims, 9.11 seems like yesterday. But there is a place they come together to heal: Camp 9.11. Meet six of these courageous and inspiring children as they brave the challenges of an adventure camp that pushes them to their limits. It's only in this crucible that they forget the tools to help them cope. Along the way, they hurt and heal, laugh and cry - and leave camp strong enough to face whatever life hands them next.

Additional Airdates:
AUG 21 2006 @ 12:00 AM
AUG 30 2006@ 07:00 PM
AUG 31 2006 @ 12:00 AM

August 24, 2006 @ 8pm - making its Washington, DC debut

Urban Film Series
Landmark's E Street Cinema
555 11th Street NW
Washington, DC
A gritty, provocative true-life story of three friends from the 'hood, Rameck Hunt, Sampson Davis, and George Jenkins, who made a pact in high school to find a way to go to college and then medical school. They not only accomplished this, but they're now spreading the word to inspire other inner-city kids to stay off of drugs, out of gangs and to take the educational route to a better life. THE PACT captures the pathos of the men's individual journeys, the integrity of their voices and the power of their rare friendship. Their stories affirm the values that ultimately sustained and drove them: courage, tenacity, and faith. And they give tribute to the life of the mind and its power to turn dreams into reality.

For ticket information, please go to the Urban Film Series website or check out the Landmark E Street Cinema website.

For more information about THE PACT, visit

The Monastery
TLC (The Learning Channel)

(Airdate TBA - I'll keep you posted on this one)

This TLC documentary series follows 5 ordinary men and women on a journey of self-discovery. The men given this once in a lifetime opportunity live in a monastery for forty days and forty nights and the women, in a convent. The film follows them during this period to see if the experience of living amongst monks and nuns has the power to transform or alter their lives.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Deacon Bill Reid's Grace Place - Issue 2

Photo from
Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you!

Just a Word from Scripture. I believe that God's Holy Word will bless all who read this.

Philippians 2:5-6 - "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God."

First, I am going to lift up these two words, "this mind." What a beautiful thought, that we can have the mind-set of Christ Jesus, because Ephesians 1:3 says that God "blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ", so that we have the ability to humble ourselves and to be obedient to our Father.

Verse 8 says that, "He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified, beat, spat upon and scourged.

Historically, scourging is described as using a whip with 6 to 9 cords of leather that had broken glass and/or sharp metal embedded into the cords so that when it struck the skin, it would invariably tear the skin as no ordinary whip could. But check out Hebrews 10:19-21! "Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God..."

You will remember that the temple in Jerusalem had one chamber that was called the Holy Place and it had another chamber that was called the Holiest or the Most Holy Place. These two sections of the temple were separated by a veil. Only the temple high priest could enter this Most Holy Place, and that was once a year, on the Day of Atonement. He would make sacrifices of animal blood not only for the sins committed by the nation/people of Israel, but also for the sins that he had committed. Within the Most Holy Place was the mercy seat, the Ark of the Covenant that contained Aaron's rod that had begun to bud, a jar of manna and the Ten Commandments.

At the time of Jesus' crucifixion, Matthew 27:50-51 states, "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. (51) Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split..." They, agents of evil, thought they had killed the Lamb of God, they thought they had Him right where they wanted Him, but look again at Hebrews 10:19-21. Jesus consecrated, or set apart for God's holy purposes, a new and living way, a New Covenant, through the veil, that is, His flesh - when they tore His flesh, they released the blood of Jesus.

Matthew 26:28, Jesus said, “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission (pardon, forgiveness) of sins, No sin exists in which the blood of Jesus cannot wash it away. Praise God! Hebrews 9:22 states, “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.” No more animal sacrifices! Good-bye earthly high priest!

We now have forgiveness of sins and a right to eternal life. We now have access to the very throne of God through our Mediator and Advocate, our High Priest who sits at the right hand of God Most High, making intercession for us. Praise God for Jesus Christ who truly made a way out of no way. He and He alone is the ‘way’. So, now we see what the humility and obedience of Christ has accomplished for humankind.

What this means for me is that daily I must pick up my cross, I must be obedient to the Word of God and humble myself in His holy presence.

© 2006 Deacon Bill Reid, All Nations Baptist Church, Washington, DC

STANICE SIDE-BOARD: The pastor and other people that make up All Nations Baptist Church are always so welcoming and warm toward me. I first visited after accepting an invitation by Deacon Reid to give a talk. Please visit. The church is located on the corner of North Capitol and Rhode Island Avenue, NE. Our church entrance is on Rhode Island Avenue -- 2001 North Capitol Street, NE; Washington, DC, (202) 832-9591

Monday, August 14, 2006

Empowered by Faith (article by Stanice Anderson)

Look for Stanice's article, Empowered by Faith, in the Sept/Oct issue of
Hope for Women Magazine.
Order your subscription today. Only $14.95 for one year.

Also check out promotion issue (July/Aug. cover below)which featured another Stanice article entitled, The Hour I First Believed

Mark your calendar--Stanice has a booth reserved at the 2nd Annual Capital BookFest '06 presented by The Washington Post (co-produced by Carla A. Nelson and Kwame Alexander) on Saturday, October 7, 2006, from 10 am to 7 pm at BLVD at the Cap Centre in Largo, MD.

This one day multi-cultural book festival will feature author readings, panels, writing and publishing workshops, poetry performances, live music, children's storytelling, and exhibitors from the Washington Metropolitan area, celebrating the literary arts and promoting literacy in Prince Georges County, Maryland.

In addition to Stanice signing her book, I Say A Prayer For Me: One Woman's Life of Faith and Triumph, you will be able to sign up for subscriptions (for yourself and to give as gifts) to Hope For Women Magazine. She will also have on hand copies of Sept/Oct issue for sale and FREE copies of the promotional July/August issue (while they last).

An article in Gannett newspaper - Muncie woman to launch Christian-based magazine for women | The Star Press - - Muncie, IN