Tiff’s Gifts by Tiffany A. Bryant

I’ve always enjoyed creating things with my hands. My grandmother and her neighbor used to save their presents for me to wrap—I love curling the ribbon, and placing the strands, just so... my own personal works of art! That lead to my love of Christmas trees (I even put ribbon on those!) - I decorated everyone’s tree: mother, grandmother, friends, cousins, I was even known to fix trees in department stores!! In ’96, I was at a friend’s house and saw these really beautiful Christmas ornaments, made of African material! They were colorful, creative, and cultural! I looked at them and decided I would decorate my tree with the same type of ornaments. I began making the ornaments & gave them out as Christmas gifts—the next year, I sold a few to friends and co-workers. But not as many as I expected. That’s when the “whispers of doubt” began: “You spent all that $ on material and no one really wants these things…” & “They are alright for your tree but everyone else is buying more classy items from the store”, “What you are doing is no big deal!!!”
Another year went by and I made a few more ornaments. I added different material to widen my customer base, sold a few more. Then a bazaar at the church! I decorated my table & waited for the onslaught of Christian, African-Americans to buy all my stuff! I was even told that at past bazaars, the pastors’ wife loved someone else’s inventory and bought all their pieces! I just knew that was going to be me!! My stuff was soo cute! It was cultural, creative, cute and classy! WRONG!! I sold 10 or so ornaments, yippee! My parents, grandmother, brother, and best friend bought some as gifts once again, thank God for those people always in your corner! They boosted my little esteem so I decided not to give up...THEN I went into a store in Leesburg Outlets, that sold other people’s crafts and made an appointment to show them my ornaments. The lady thought they were “cute” but not right for their store! So, the whispers came again: “You are wasting $$ you don’t have”, “Pay your bills girl and leave this stuff to the professionals”, “You can’t sell your stuff to Black people, why do you think White people would buy it either?”, “Other people can make this stuff, what about yours is special?”
Yet more years went by...a co-worker and I saw some beaded ornaments in a catalog. I decided that they would be cute on my tree (once again) I headed to Michael’s and bought beads, wire, and ribbon. I worked all weekend and they really turned out well! I showed them to my co-workers on Monday and they loved them! They actually wanted me to make stuff for their trees...then more bazaars! This time at school and church! I began personalizing the beaded ornaments by putting charms on them! THEY LOVED THEM! I also added wine charms to the “merchandise list”! One colleague asked me to make ornaments for her daughter’s basketball team—the whole team! I made their basketball #’s in the teams colors! Another friend ordered 25 wine tags for an upcoming Christmas party! It was the first time I felt like what I was doing was actually ok...I realize while reliving this that God sent the right people to encourage me during each holiday season! There was always 1-3 customers that encouraged me through their purchases.
In 2003, at the urging of friends, I bought business cards & gave myself a name: Totally Tiffany! Designs. People began asking me to make gifts for them when they needed something special! I made beaded and cloth ornaments, napkin rings, bracelets, shadowboxes, picture collages, scrapbooks ~ even personalized some items! I participated in more bazaars, & began working on different ministries that allowed me to use my creative gifts that God has given me. Last year, I added inspirational bookmarks, little girls’ headbands, angel pins w/inspirational verses attached, and jeweled bracelets. God is always dropping ideas in my spirit! God confirmed once again when my best friend gave me an engraved key chain for Christmas, with “Totally Tiffany” on it and another friend gave me a storage bin to put my stuff in! I was so touched when I realized how much they believed in me & what I was doing!
Last month, a good friend registered the name of a website for me! My new name is “Tiff’s Gifts” and I have been blessed to be a part of a church that has a business card directory, along with supportive, and encouraging members all around! I’ve been able to create a small bit of happiness for people! I love to see the smiles on their faces when they see a piece of jewelry, ornament, or love the shadowbox created just for them! I see each smile from them as a smile from God—saying that He is pleased that I am using my gifts! No matter how small…
© 2005 Tiffany A. Bryant, Reston, VA
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