Is Your Light Shining?

The Lord is charging us today to let our light shine. It is sad to say that we are living in a world where so many people are professing to be a Christian, but no one other than those in our immediate circles in church can determine that we are even saved. If you name the name of Christ, somebody other than your church family needs to know that you are saved. If your light is truly shining someone who is not saved and has observed your lifestyle should be compelled to ask the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Sadly, we have gotten so caught up on observing and doing traditional things in the church, but we have forgotten about allowing our light to shine.
One of the purposes of light is to be able to see. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like a long period of darkness. I want to be able to see. When an individual has not accepted the Lord as their personal Savior they are living in darkness. Once you have accepted the Lord as your personal Savior you have been given light because Jesus is the Light of the World. You and I are charged to share the Light. We can’t continue to have our light hidden under a basket or table. We must let our light shine through in everything we say and do. The text tells us to let it shine before men, that they may see your good works. Men need to see our good works not so that we may get the glory, but to glorify your Father which is in Heaven. I leave you with two questions, “Is your light Shining?” or “Is anyone seeing your light?”
© 2005 Carol Williams. Weekly radio broadcasts, You Are Somebody, every Saturday at 12 noon or Sunday at 8:00pm on WFAX 1220 AM(Metro Wash., DC) or via Internet
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