Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Seasons: Reason for Change

When I was pregnant, I woke up in the middle of one night and wrote this.

I am who I am
You are who you are

Take life by the reins
and make the most out of every day.

Let the seasons of life be your guide,
to enlarge your vision
and change your course,
to discover what life has to offer

Making the most of your life
because it is so short
not to discover the wonder
and amazement that God gives us
on a daily basis

So let the seasons of life
change you to be the best
that you can be.

© 2004, Cindy Jett
Cindy and her husband, Wayne, own the Ft. Washington Towing, Inc. in Maryland. Email for specific info ftwashtow13@verizon.net

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'm Not Crazy—Just Awake

Since my Dad died, I had been operating in a semi-comatose manner.
Even though I was living and going about my life,
Every thing was blurry to me.
Then the other day—while I was driving—these words came to me:

The day death lost its sting was ordinary.
I didn't find religion—had that.
Didn't here the voice of the Lord—just the radio.
I just understood that the fear of death is for the living.

Then the words "I used to think" came rushing forward
and all these things I used to think came to me.
They're still going on in my mind today.
I feel as if at that moment I woke up profoundly and irrevocably changed.
I realize that the death of a parent is one of life's most altering experiences.

If I were to describe a picture of it,
it would be like the ground that has all these cracks
from weather and time.
Then in the middle is one huge chasm.
It's big and deep but beautifully perfect because
it belongs as testament to the powerful effect of the internal on the external.

Maybe I am going crazy. Who knows what crazy is?

I used to think wearing a bad outfit was crazy.
Now I know caring too much about your outfit is crazy.

I used to think I heard what was said to me.
Now I know I heard what I listened to.

Just kicking the ballistics.

© 2005 Randi Reilly, College Park, MD

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Animated Thingeys

A while back, Carol, my reader-friend, blessed me with personalized Animated Thingeys (at least that's what I dubbed them). I include them in email messages as well as on my website. Since so many people have asked about getting some made for themselves, I thought that today would be a good day to share with you, too, the talent of Carol Sholiton.

There is a very reasonable fee for her service. Just give her an idea of what you want and it’s amazing what she will come up with.

Contact info:
Carol Sholiton of Akron, OH

Tell her that Stanice Anderson referred you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Freedom from Bondage

Stanice, I have some good news, your e-mailed Food for the Spirit had me crying a song of praise because with my many friends, family, your prayers and God's mercy...I stopped smoking 1/4/05, so true! HALLELUJAH!

My testimony. When I awoke Sunday morning, I had my praise and worship as usual. I had 4 cigarettes left. Stanice, I smoked all 4 before I left my house for worship service. I felt the Holy Spirit dealing with me strongly that morning. I went in my closet and I had a new box of patches (Nicoderm, that I had bought months prior but decided I wasn't ready). I said no more...this day Lord! I knew if I made it thru that day, that the rest would be fine. Guess what, it was just that...FINE! I know my addiction was beyond me and I had to ask God to step in. I'm glad I put my fear aside and talked to you. Thank you Lord! Girl, I can't stop praising HIM.

God bless you and your ministry. Keep me in your prayers as well as I will you all. Angine M., Ft. Lauderdale, FL

"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their chains in pieces."

Psalm 107:13-14, NKJV

Monday, August 22, 2005

Eternal Treasures: Time to Let Go

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland" (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV).

One day I began thinking of all the mistakes I've made in my life. It was a painful process, rehearsing the "if onlys" and "what ifs". Guilt consumed me, condemnation overwhelmed me. I felt like I needed forgiveness all over again. I even cried out for it. But God spoke so clearly when He said, "I've removed your sins. And I've placed them in the Sea of Forgetfulness. Now you must learn to let them go."

God promises to "forgive [our] wickedness and remember [our] sins no more" (Jeremiah 31:34). But we must learn to forgive ourselves. Forgive myself? I couldn't even forget. I didn't understand how God could love me in my mess, how He could forgive my transgressions. So I went fishing. I went down to that old Sea of Forgetfulness and caught every "thing" in my past that kept me from moving into my future.

Then one day I realized: Jesus didn't want me bound to my past. He wanted me free. Free to live. Free to serve. And free to love. So I gathered every "thing" that I'd collected over the years, went down to that sea, and gave it all back. I cast it so far into the deep that I will remember it no more.

The Bible says, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV). Our past is just what it is—past! It does not dictate our present nor does it determine our future. Have you been fishing lately? Go to that sea and cast it all into the deep. Let go of your past. God has. And look to Jesus. "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame" (Psalm 34:5).

© 2005, Mia Taylor, London, England. Check out other Eternal Treasures on her website heartsofwisdom.org

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Daily Seed: The fix

You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way (James 4:4 MSG)

"This is great...I've never felt better...I'm on top of the world."
"Why do I feel so bad...What is wrong with me...I feel so low."
The world is like a drug. Example - as you first start to become involved in drugs (world)...everything is great and you are wondering what the big fuss about drugs (world) being negative and bad for you is all about. However as you start to get deeper and deeper into drugs (world), you find yourself needing more and more drugs (world - parties, food, people, sex) to get the same high you got when you first stated using drugs (hanging out in the world). However what you failed to realize is... the closer you moved into the world..the further you moved away from God.

If we don't surround ourselves with God and the things of God, we don't have a chance when temptations and trials come against us. "I have a strong will." I can handle anything..I got willpower." Until you encounter something you have never experienced before. Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour (1 Peter 5:8 AMP) satan is the master of deception and the father of lies, what makes you think you can go against him... without being armed.

If you were asked the question...Whose side are you on...God's or satan's? Hopefully...their would be a unanimous response for God. However if you were given the opportunity to cheat on your taxes and get a refund or tell the truth and owe the government money...What would be your answer than? (Oh wow...did you really have to stop and think about it?) The point I'm trying to make is satan is never going to outright show you the mess behind the world. he will entice, enamor and entangle you in what looks, feels and seems good first. Therefore remember...The things of the world are temporary, subject to change and will not last. However the things of God are eternal and will never fail.

Luke 8:11 - the seed is the Word of God
© 2005, Terri Brown, Evergreen Park, IL; Installment from her email series, Daily Seed (Posted with Permission)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Testimony & Poetry

Testimony: This is your Sister Joyce in New York. This FOOD FOR THE SPIRIT has blessed my soul. And I will tell my Sister who I spoke with you about who is in the Hospital that the point of the FOOD... hit to the heart of my Soul. By the way thank you for saying a prayer on her behalf. She is doing so much better. The cancer is in remission and the tumor is gone! After not being able to talk since October 2004, she is now been able to talk. GOD IS GOOD! P.S Keep drinking in the Living Water.

Poem: Crucified

You crucify me with the thought I'm Utterly Defenseless you crucify me Mentally, God's Divine mind will not abandon me

I hold on with Strenth that intensifys
you push a thought or pull back one
(Something you have expressed to gain my Confidence but you lie)

You crucify me so i will give up running this race not Realizing I know all to well the Crucifixion is part of the race
Even if I'm last
Jesus is first, and he has told Me I'm coming across the finish line

© 2005 Joyce Martin, NY, NY
(Posted with permission)

Monday, August 15, 2005


When my tears fall Heaven opens up its
doors to receive all that I have.

When tears fall Heaven opens up its
Doors to receive all that I am.

When tears fall Heaven opens up its
Doors to receive all that I will be.

When tears fall Heaven opens up its
Doors to renew my spirit.

When tears fall Heaven opens up its
Doors to bring me a new day.

When tears fall Heaven opens up its
Doors to hold me.

When tears fall Heaven opens up its
Doors to wipe every tear that falls.

When tears fall Heaven opens up its
Doors and my Father comes with His
Arms wide open to say,
“All is well, my child. I’m here now.”

© 2005 Stephanie Denise Smith, North Little Rock, AK


I couldn't find my way…home. I had traveled beyond…the boundaries of my contentment…made choices…only a nomad…of uncertainty could make…My devotion was challenged along the banks of reason…as I trembled about…unsure of my place in the world…I had navigated myself somewhere beyond clear waters of understanding…How lost I had become…as the waves of disturbance…shackled my…convictions. I kneeled down…and let the silence of my thoughts…deliver a remedy…to my…desolation…You see it takes a moment…of seclusion…to hear the calmness of your soul…I had allowed myself to hear only the winds…of fear…on my course of never ending difficulties…In that moment…beyond seasons of occasions…a beckon of light…came forward…guiding me…onwards……over the shores of iniquity…beyond…the murkiness….of disorientation…showing me the way… heartening my spirit…raising me up…off of my knees…spilling me over…into a sea…of gratitude…The lighthouse…that marvelous beacon of hope….was within…me…all the time…It was I who had kept…its light…dim…I was…home….never truly lost…I had just lost my faith.

© 2005, Just me, Mcdonough, GA, All Rights Reserved
(Posted with permission from author)

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Unconditional Loving smile
So Bright so full of Life
Grandma's Smile
Full of Prayer, full of Light
Reflections of Love
Grandma's smile
thoughts unspoken
secrets untold, yet unfolding
in Grandma's Smile
Honorable Respectable
Memorable Reflection of the Bright Sunshine-
Grandma's Smile
Pictures of the Past
Pictures of the Distant Future
rays of Hope-
in Grandma's Smile
Thank God for Grandma's Smile-
Thank God for Grandma's Prayers
Thank You Lord, for Grandmas' Smiles.


© 2005 Victoria L. Alvin, Fayetteville, NC
(Posted with permission from the author)