Seasons: Reason for Change

I am who I am
You are who you are
Take life by the reins
and make the most out of every day.
Let the seasons of life be your guide,
to enlarge your vision
and change your course,
to discover what life has to offer
Making the most of your life
because it is so short
not to discover the wonder
and amazement that God gives us
on a daily basis
So let the seasons of life
change you to be the best
that you can be.
© 2004, Cindy Jett
Cindy and her husband, Wayne, own the Ft. Washington Towing, Inc. in Maryland. Email for specific info
WOW!!!! God is so good!! I wrote a blog entry on seasons just now, and I was looking for an image on google to use for my post, when I landed "accidentally", "coincidentally" on your blog!! I put them in quotes because in reality there is no such thing as coincidence.. God knew i needed to read this entry.. I hope it's ok with you if i put your blog as a link among my visited sites?? Thanks for being a blessing..
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