Daily Seed: The fix

You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way (James 4:4 MSG)
"This is great...I've never felt better...I'm on top of the world."
"Why do I feel so bad...What is wrong with me...I feel so low."
The world is like a drug. Example - as you first start to become involved in drugs (world)...everything is great and you are wondering what the big fuss about drugs (world) being negative and bad for you is all about. However as you start to get deeper and deeper into drugs (world), you find yourself needing more and more drugs (world - parties, food, people, sex) to get the same high you got when you first stated using drugs (hanging out in the world). However what you failed to realize is... the closer you moved into the world..the further you moved away from God.
If we don't surround ourselves with God and the things of God, we don't have a chance when temptations and trials come against us. "I have a strong will." I can handle anything..I got willpower." Until you encounter something you have never experienced before. Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour (1 Peter 5:8 AMP) satan is the master of deception and the father of lies, what makes you think you can go against him... without being armed.
If you were asked the question...Whose side are you on...God's or satan's? Hopefully...their would be a unanimous response for God. However if you were given the opportunity to cheat on your taxes and get a refund or tell the truth and owe the government money...What would be your answer than? (Oh wow...did you really have to stop and think about it?) The point I'm trying to make is satan is never going to outright show you the mess behind the world. he will entice, enamor and entangle you in what looks, feels and seems good first. Therefore remember...The things of the world are temporary, subject to change and will not last. However the things of God are eternal and will never fail.
Luke 8:11 - the seed is the Word of God
© 2005, Terri Brown, Evergreen Park, IL; Installment from her email series, Daily Seed (Posted with Permission)
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