Testimony: Christmas with Christians@AOL by Frank Bertrand

Some of you know that I was invited to give a talk at AOL Headquarters in November. God met us there! It was wonderful and the people sooo welcomed me into their auditorium and their hearts! One of the people that I met was Frank Bertrand. (I feel led to share that Frank bought a case of my books and had me to sign them for his family and friends. Actually, many people there bought multiple copies to give to others.)
Well, one of the groups within AOL that sponsored the talk was "Christians @ AOL" of which Frank is a member. Since, I was unable to make their Christmas Party on this past Monday, he was kind enough to share with me how God showed up and showed out at the party. Frank wrote:
"Karla Carrington put me in charge of the music...We were practicing our songs when a large man entered the Seriff Auditorium. He walked right up to us and said "You can't call this gathering a Christmas Party?" Three of us at once calmly stated, "We are Christians @ AOL and this is our Christmas Party." He then said, "Well, I am Jewish." I told him that he was welcome to stay and enjoy our party. He then said, "Can I join your choir? I smiled and gave him a copy of the music. He was one of the most joyous singers that we had. He and I and another singer formed a Trio and sang We Three Kings. Edward and I were the last to leave the party. Can anyone else but our Dear Lord Jesus Christ be in charge of our every breath? We both know the answer to that question."Frank, thank you for sharing this testimony with us.
© 2005 Frank Bertrand, Used with his permission.
And to those of you who read and support Stanice's Open Mic, Soul Shout, and www.stanice.com Thank you for a years of blessings and prayers for me and my family.
Merry Christmas and a new year that will usher in a tremendously abundant season of God’s blessings and favor in and over you and your family. May He grant you the desires of your hearts, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. So be it!
We love you.
Stanice, son--Mike, granddaughter--Michal Zoe, and grand-TWINS due on Valentine Day 2006. Praising God from whom ALL blessing forever flow!
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