Monday, November 20, 2006

Guest Poet, Derrick Lamont Boone

Another Day of Loneliness
When I look out the window to a
day of darkness. I feel no embrace
from behind to comfort the emptiness
from within. Lord? I pray, where is mine
devine mate, is it the angel you sent
to watch over me. Love come and vanish
just like the mist on this dark day.
Is it just that I teach a aching
heart, but my heart is still empty.
Because loneliness is still here.

Still looking out the window and
remembering all that has came in
your life and left. Wondering what
was the purpose of the experience.
Because I'm still lonely with nobody
beside me. The tears I cry is the love
I want, but when It falls , It has no
substance for my love to appear in a
nature form. Until then another day of
Derrick Lamont Boone
Copyright ©2006 Derrick Lamont Boone

Water Stand Still for me
Can you stand still for me, so I can follow
your flow. I would like to know where you
come from and where you are going. I see
the moonlight glow off of you, I see the
blue sky reflect on you. But I don't see
myself. So water stand still for me. So I
can see myself on you. You are the element that
is essential to life. You are a part of me,
sometimes you are calm, but you still flow.
Sometime you are ruff, but you still flow.
You are like the foundation of life.
Everything you do is like life itself. You
never flow the same, there always something
different about you. So water stand still
for me. So I can put life on hold, so I can
follow your flow. How deep does your water
go, is it as deep as the pain in my soul.
Only if I can be like you, when you flow to
your destiny. So I ask you? Water stand
still for me. So I can find my destiny.
Derrick Lamont Boone
Copyright ©2006 Derrick Lamont Boone

Blu Sapphire L.L.C

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Testimony: Princess Carroll Ayo Durodola


It was a Tuesday morning, as I drove along George Washington Parkway on my way to work in Virginia.

SCREEEEECH! The blue taxi cab next to me jammed on his brakes until smoke came up from the tires. I thought he was going to hit the car in front of him, but all of a sudden his right tire turned towards me! BAM!!! He got me! And…BANG!!! My car hit the stone wall of the parkway and flipped over the wall. I felt myself careen down the wooded cliffs like a rocket, towards the Potomac River, thousands of feet below.

“Well this is it. This must be the way I’m going to die.” I could hear and see the trees and bushes hitting the sides of the car as it crashed through the woods. I didn’t feel any pain and calmly thought to myself, “Well, I’m ready for heaven, if it’s ready for me!”

All of a sudden the car stopped. When I realized I was alive, I looked up through my open sun roof towards what I thought was the road and seeing a man walking along, looking frantic; I yelled, “HELP!” He looked down. “She’s here!” “We’re coming!” he said. And half a dozen men spilled over the crest of the hill. They pulled me out through the sun roof.

They helped me to the top of the hill and I collapsed on the stone wall. Around me I heard people praising God and I felt so at home with these fellow praisers that, with my last ounce of strength, I raised my holy hand to heaven and joined them in worshipping this Father God, for getting me out of that alive!

Praise be to the Lord! It’s as if God wanted people to praise Him more. This did it. Join in!

Princess Carroll Ayo Durodola

HRH Princess Carroll Ayo Durodola
Author, Storyteller & Education Consultant
Tunde, The Little Nigerian Prince
Tunde, The Little Nigerian Prince & the Soldier Ants
Yoruba Language for Children
Ojumiri & Bra Baboon Coloring Book & audiotape
The Art of Storytelling (Workshop)
How Do I Know I Love Myself (Workshop)
The Ancient Healing Art of African Storytelling (Workshop)
The African Village School Program (African School Simulation)
Africa's Vision Network (T.V. Show)

Monday, November 06, 2006

“Angel With Crooked Feet” by Anthony V. Sarjant, Ph.D.

“Angel With Crooked Feet” is the inspiring story of the life of Tony Sarjant, born with a club foot to a mother who didn’t want him. He spent the first ten years of his life in and out of hospitals before his pre-teen life of petty crime landed him in a detention center for boys where he was sexually assaulted for years.

As a teenager he discovered the dark world of the occult, a world he fully embraced as a young man. His first marriage seemed to be the start of a new, happier life but after the births of his daughter and son he learned his wife was having an affair and that she was still married to another man! After his marriage ended, Tony’s life dissolved into years of drifting back and forth across Europe, punctuated by heavy drinking and several attempts at suicide, including the last one, which almost succeeded.

Not long after, when he in his late 30s, he met the woman who would change his life, Denise, now his wife of more than 20 years. Through Denise, Tony’s life was saved by the power of real love, the power of God. And through more trials, including a prison term and a crash that left him helpless, he found his purpose in life. “I know we can make a difference in the lives of hurting children,” Tony says, “no matter how old they are.”

Anthony V. Sarjant, Ph.D., is an innovative counselor and an ordained minister. He currently is a counselor with the nationally-acclaimed Rimrock Foundation in Billings, Montana. He previously developed and served as Director of T.E.A.M. Mentoring program for children of incarcerated parents in Billings

Tony Sarjant and his wife Denise live in Billings, Montana. They are the parents of two grown sons, Christopher and Andrew.

Anthony V. Sarjant, Ph.D.
4332 Phillip Street
Billings, MT 59101

Dr. Sarjant is available for interviews and speaking engagements.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

From Pain to Promise #3 by Minister Karen Anderson

I married at 20 running from a bad relationship with my mother as a result of not telling her I was pregnant. My cousin who lived in New York at the time introduced me to my first husband. He was Catholic, I was a Christian, excuse me, a backslider. I had stopped going to church. He still lived at home with his mother; he hid me in his room and told his mother I was there. She brought me towels to take a shower. I lived with a man before marriage that I did not get a chance to know, or confirm that he was who God intended for me to marry. We lived in his mother’s house with his step-father and brother the first two years of marriage. A mama’s boy! We were married for 12 years. I couldn’t take the immaturity; something was definitely missing. He was not mature enough to give me the attention I desired, so I looked for attention in other places. Towards the end of the marriage, we purchased a home together; his mother was the real estate broker. He kicked me out of the home, called me b’s, and scratched my car while it was parked in the driveway. The next thing I know I am getting subpoenaed to appear in court. He was seeking full custody of our daughter, it didn’t happen, but I do pay child support. Talk about a financial set back. I ended up living with my pastor and his wife, (who I called Mom & Dad) before moving into a studio apartment, no furniture, I slept on the floor. I ate cereal for dinner.

© 2006, Minister Karen Anderson, Pelham, New York.

STANICE NOTE: God brought us a young writer who I'm featuring as a guest columnist on my blog, Stanice's Open Mic , which is set aside for YOUR talents and testimonies. Her name is Minister Karen Anderson from Pelham, New York. She is a PK (Preacher's Kid) with a TESTIMONY and willing to share it with us. Her third installment is I DO. Her column will appear for at least the next four Wednesdays. If you have comments please leave them, I'm sure your feedback will bless her.

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