Wednesday, October 25, 2006

From Pain to Promise #2 by Minister Karen Anderson


Here comes the turn! Once I graduated from high school, my plan was to go to college and major in advertising. No husband, no kids, just me working in Manhattan , making money, calling the shots. Months before I graduated high school, I was raped by someone I briefly dated. Nothing serious. He lost his temper one day, he became angry, and RAPED me. In the dorm room, he threw me on the bed, ripped my clothes off. My hands were bound, and he was yelling for me to shut-up, spitting in my face. I was afraid, I didn’t call the police or tell my father for that matter. My stepmother’s father had just died, who could I tell, I wanted to run away, I needed to be held, I was scared as hell. In June 1987, I graduated high school, moved back to New York with my mom. We sent out applications to various colleges. Virginia State University accepts my application, wow shopping for college. Putting hot sauce on pads so my mother would think I was getting my period. I was in college going to classes, PREGNANT! No prenatal, nothing! My son was born in November 1987 on Thanksgiving Day. I prayed and asked God for a healthy baby, ten fingers and ten toes. He weighed in at 8.0 pounds. Healthy and a head full of hair. My mother was devastated. Brokenhearted, she made me apologize, everyday, not because I didn’t tell her I was pregnant, but because she had to pay for my college tuition as I was not eligible for financial aid. I could have died on the delivery table, I was not looking for sympathy, but for my mother to understand that I just had a baby, and I was an emotional wreck. Postpartum was kicking my butt.

Fortunately, we were able to contact the father and I agreed for his mother to raise my son in Indiana as I was not ready to be a mother. I am encouraged to let you know that my son, Jonathan and I have been in constant contact…he was not a mistake, but a blessing to be born.

© 2006, Minister Karen Anderson, Pelham, New York.

STANICE NOTE: God brought us a young writer who I'm featuring as a guest columnist on my blog, Stanice's Open Mic , which is set aside for YOUR talents and testimonies. Her name is Minister Karen Anderson from Pelham, New York. She is a PK (Preacher's Kid) with a TESTIMONY and willing to share it with us. Her second installment is A MOTHERLESS CHILD. Her column will appear for at least the next five Wednesdays. If you have comments please leave them, I'm sure your feedback will bless her.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Writing Life: Let's Talk About Book Proposals

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

From Pain to Promise #1 by Minister Karen Anderson


I want to share with you, or someone in the house of God who may be hurting, who is being abused, a young woman who has had a baby out of wedlock, a teenage girl who is pregnant and afraid to tell her parents, or a husband and wife who have outlived their honeymoon, those who are just emotionally busted, but still come to church. What I have just said, I have lived myself. I am the daughter of a preacher, a PK in every aspect of the word. Our house was the parsonage, right next door to the church. I woke up to church, went to sleep to church, school was church, BTU, Congress, conventions…all the while, lost! I did the choir thing, usher thing, folding church programs, ironing my father’s handkerchiefs; I was on duty 24/7; where did my childhood go? My father’s job was to the church, but what about me? My mother abandoned me and my two brothers, because she was on the run, but running from what? Here was a full-time pastor, he was always on call, plus he had a full-time job. I didn’t have my father’s time. I grew up searching for fatherly attention, even in relationships I was looking for my father. Daddy where are you? Pain!

© 2006, Minister Karen Anderson, Pelham, New York.

STANICE NOTE: God brought us a young writer who I'm featuring as a guest columnist on my blog, Stanice's Open Mic , which is set aside for YOUR talents and testimonies. Her name is Minister Karen Anderson from Pelham, New York. She is a PK (Preacher's Kid) with a TESTIMONY and willing to share it with us. Her first installment is Where is My Daddy? I can relate, I'm a PD (Politician's Daughter). Her column will appear for at least the next six Wednesdays. If you have comments please leave them, I'm sure your feedback will bless her.