Crossroads by Stephanie D Smith

Dear Lord what am I to do. I want to
Do Your will but the worries of
This world will not allow me to.
I am in constant turmoil between what
Is right and what is wrong. I hear You
Calling me to Your Side.
I toss and turn at the decisions I have
To make. I cry out for You to hear my call. I beg You to hold me as I struggle with everyday life.
One way or the other I will answer the
Call that You have placed on my life. For
You died so that I should have life more abundantly.
I have come to a crossroad in my life but
Because you are by my side I know that all will
Turn out for the better. For I hearken to Your voice
And I will obey Your will.
© 2005, Stephanie D Smith, North Little Rock, Ar
My conversation with God is verbatim to Stephanie's. As I read the words chills from the holy spirit took over my very being. Truly a testimony to "where there are more than one gathered in my name.....
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