Tawana Williams: Unarmed but Dangerous
Introducing my friend, motivational speaker, fellow-author, and sister-in-Christ Jesus, Tawana Williams.
In her new book, UNARMED BUT DANGEROUS, Tawana tells her story of being born without arms, surviving major traumas, including drug addiction—overcoming it all—and of her daughter's miraculous birth. "I hope readers will feel inspired by my story of overcoming the odds rather than feeling sorry for me. I use my feet and other body parts to do just about anything that someone with arms and hands can do—-even braid hair and write a check," says Tawana.
Watch demonstrations of God's grace and power in Tawana's life (1) Brushing Teeth and (2) Caring For April.
Website www.unarmedbutdangerous.com and email tawana@unarmedbutdangerous.com
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