Testimony: Cracked No More by L.J.

I wanted to share my testimony with you and your readers. First of all, I would like to start by saying that with God all things are possible: but without God I'm nothing.
My story starts back in 1986. I was just as lost as the day was long. I started using Crack Cocaine with my husband and some friends at the time I had 3 small children who were all under the age of 10 yrs. old. Once I tried crack, I just couldn't stop because it gave me a high like no other. Anyway I kept using and using until one night I almost had sex with the crack dealer. That was the eye opener for me. That night I went home and started to think that must be something better in this world for me and my family. That was on May 30,1989.
That night, I prayed and cried out to my Lord and Savior to remove that want and need from my life. The next day I packed my three small children with only the clothes on our backs and a basket of dirty laundry and left my husband. I could not face him knowing that his friend the crack dealer was trying to get me to have sex with him. I also just did not have the desire to be with my husband at that time because I blamed him at the time for my crack habit. But only the Lord could make me face the fact that I allowed myself to get into the worldly things that I was into at the time. After packing and leaving with my three children, I moved into my mother and step-father's home and that's when my healing really began.
The Lord allowed me to look back over my life and realize that I had allowed the Devil into my life full force. My children and I had to start all over from scratch but the Lord was with us every step of the way. I didn't go to rehab but I did begin to let the Lord direct my path in every way possible. I began to witness to a group of children at first then the Lord sent me into the church that I had joined to start sharing my testimony with everyone and anyone that would listen.
As I traveled on my journey the Lord open doors that I thought were closed off to myself. I began to pray and meditate 24/seven because I could not make it without Him by my side at all times. The lord blessed me to be able get into a housing apartment with 3 bedrooms for my children and myself. He allowed me to have respect for myself and for Him at all times.
I have edited a lot things out of this letter so that I can just let others know that not only do the poor, disadvantaged, and under-educated people get caught up in drugs, alcholism, or prostitution but that middle and upper class people get tossed through the storms of life also.
I can trully and faithfully say that God has been my rock in the weary places, food when I was hungry, my water when I was thursty, my bridge over troubled water and shelter in the time of storms. That has been almost 15 yrs. ago but I still think back to where the Lord has brought me from and all I can say sometimes is "Thank You Jesus!"
Today, two of my children have graduated from High School and made something of themselves. My youngest daughter also gradute from High School with a full-paid scholarship to the college of her choice which is Tennessee State University. So all who don't think that they can turn their life around after going throught the Storms of life, I can trully say that with God all things are possible.
As for myself I continue to share my testimony to the young and the old because Crack don't care who it takes out, but God does. I am and have been working for the State of Arkansas now for almost 14 yrs. now and I owe everything to my Alpha and Omega--the One and Only Jesus Christ.
I know that this was and is long but the Lord would not let me stop once I got started and I will always do as he allows me to when it comes down to His Will and His ways because of His mercy and grace I have made it this far.
© 2005, L.J., Pine Bluff, Arkansas
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